Saint-Gobain is a French multinational founded in 1665, originally to produce mirrors for the Palace of Versailles.
It played a central role in the development of the glass and materials industry in Europe.
Today, although it has diversified its activities, the company retains a strong link with its glassmaking heritage.
To mark the 350th anniversary of the Saint-Gobain company, Wezit has created a virtual exhibition on the Internet.
The reconstruction of the ice-making process in computer-generated images was carried out in 3D, combining real people filmed in the studio with a 3D environment.
The exhibition also includes a large number of educational modules explaining the techniques used to make glass.
These are integrated into a very dense whole. They are aimed at a novice audience. Work has therefore been carried out on both the scenarisation and the design to make this information accessible to everyone.
Each module includes an animation lasting around 3 minutes.

The re-enactment scenes have been created on the basis of a 3D set and filming of real images of integrated actors

Filming on a green screen required precise lighting conditions and the positioning of props for the future scene.

Some objects are real and were used during filming, while others are virtual and contribute to the 3D scene’s environment.

Seven specific scenes were filmed to show all the steps in the production of glass for the Palace of Versailles.

The technical animations were intentionally simplified to display only essential information.

One animation demonstrates the transformation of housing through morphing between different 3D representations of buildings.