The Museon Arlaten Departmental Museum, located in Arles, France, is an institution dedicated to the preservation and presentation of Provencal cultural heritage. It houses a diverse collection of craft, artistic, and ethnographic objects, showcasing the traditions and daily life of the region.
The exhibition counts over 60 multimedia applications.
The digital labels, located next to the display cases, allow for the interpretation of over 4,000 objects in multiple languages.
Interactive games are also offered, and transparent screens provide mediation for specific showcases.

Most of the major digital devices are presented on transparent screens integrated into the scenography.

For example, the game “Game of Rhône” invites visitors to move boats in the Rhône Delta while avoiding obstacles.

Nearly 50 digital labels are integrated into the scenography to provide detailed, multilingual labels for each showcase.

Diorama scenes can be deciphered using these labels, and their contents can be modified at any time through the Wezit platform.

Games allow for the comparison of local languages.

The dynamic display, also administered by the Wezit platform, broadcasts real-time information about available lectures or guided tours.

This project has been realized with:

This project has been carried out with the Wezit In Situ solution.
Contents are managed by the Wezit Studio platform.