The Maison du Lac de Grand-Lieu in Bouaye is an interpretation centre dedicated to preserving the ecosystem of Lac de Grand-Lieu.
It raises visitors’ awareness of local biodiversity through interactive exhibitions and educational activities.
During its inauguration, the director, Olivier Huber, revealed a commitment to ‘a more immersive and sensory visit’.
Interactive and audiovisual features punctuate the visit, blurring the boundaries between physical and digital scenography.
Interactive displays and a touch wall are complemented by video-mapping films projected onto the scenery.
A tactile wall showcases wetlands from around the world.
When touching a point of interest on the wall, information is displayed.
By moving the boat, visitors discover the various lake habitats through audiovisual sequences.
Turning the handle allows visitors to virtually change the lake’s water level, which is represented visually.
A projection on a relief map is complemented by various additional information screens.
This project has been realized with:
This project has been carried out with the Wezit In Situ solution.
Contents are managed by the Wezit Studio platform.