Collioure, a picturesque coastal town in the south of France renowned for its seascapes and artistic heritage, was a major source of inspiration for the Fauvist artists who explored the bright colours and light of the Mediterranean in the early 20th century. More than 3 million visitors enjoy the site every year.
A transmedia system has been designed and developed by Mazedia, using Wezit:
- A mobile application offering a range of activities across the entire municipality, combining breathtaking drone views to “soar” above your viewpoint, augmented reality shows, and an interpretation of the locations that inspired the Fauvist painters.
- An on site installation at the “Maison du Fauvisme”
Fauvism takes center stage within the mobile application, inviting visitors to retrace the steps of the great painters from the early 20th century. By comparing the landscapes you observe with the works they created, you can grasp the wellspring of inspiration for these artists
At each viewpoint, a drone shot offers an inaccessible perspective to visitors .
Augmented reality is used to recount, in situ, the key moments in the town’s development, from medieval times to the economic development of fishing in the last century.
A primary objective of this project is to encourage visitors to uncover unconventional places, often overlooked by tourists, by pairing them with high-value activities
The Maison du Fauvisme serves as the central hub for guides and their groups. It is open to all and now features a multitouch device that explains the inspiration behind this pictorial style and its profound connection with the town of Collioure.
This project has been realized with :
This project has been carried out with the Wezit Mobile and Wezit In Situ solutions.
Contents are managed by the Wezit Studio platform.